Government and Municipal
Government entities deliver public services for the benefit of the community. We provide legal guidance and assistance to municipalities and other units of local government to enable them to run as smoothly as possible for their citizens.
Park districts, forest preserve districts, villages, towns, cities, townships, road districts, police commissions, fire commissions, drainage districts, and assessors can all rely on KGG, LLC to provide advice and representation to allow those governmental units to provide fair and efficient services to the public they serve.
KGG drafts ordinances; prosecutes ordinance violations; reviews proposed annexation agreements; and advises boards, committees, and trustees regarding all issues that they address, including zoning, public finances, property acquisitions, and bond issuances. Our attorneys recommend a course of action and opine regarding potential legal consequences of alternate options. We defend governmental entities and their representatives against claims made in court actions. We prosecute eminent domain actions, draft contracts, and develop inter-governmental agreements for the cooperative and efficient provision of services to the communities. We provide direction regarding proper election procedures and personnel matters.
Citizens rely on their local municipal entities. Local municipalities can rely on KGG, LLC. To keep your local governmental entity running smoothly for your constituency, call KGG, LLC at 815-727-4511 or contact us online.